When to seek treatment for your child

Positive mental health for children and adolescents is vital in helping them become happy, well-adjusted adults. But there may be periods of their life where this needs to be nurtured. 

Do they have long periods of sadness or depression, show inappropriate responses to situations, or have trouble controlling their emotions? Have they expressed or implied suicidal thoughts? How are their interactions with friends and family? Has a school counselor, friend’s parent, or relative expressed concern? Have they experienced significant trauma or grief? Has a doctor diagnosed a mental health condition?

For parents and caregivers of a distressed child, it can be difficult to know where to turn — and discouraging with the stigma often surrounding mental health. Yet, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year. Your family is not alone. The sooner you seek support, the quicker your child and family can find treatment that works, and rebuild family harmony.

For more than 20 years, Southwest Network has helped families find hope and healing. We look forward to serving yours. Whether your child can benefit from services here, or other outside support, we’ll help you find what they need to be happy again. Please call for a confidential consultation with one of our compassionate staff.    

For assistance: For information or assistance, call 602.304.0014 or email info@southwestnetwork.org. If you are already enrolled with Southwest Network, please contact the location where your child is receiving services.

We accept insurance coverage through the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS/Medicaid), all AHCCCS Complete Care plans, and private insurance. We also provide a cash-pay option if you don’t carry health insurance. If you have no insurance and are unable to pay, we will work with you to ensure your child receives care.


The Child and Family Team Process