How We’ve Helped Other Families

At Southwest Network, our goal is to not only provide behavioral health treatment for your child, but to also strengthen your family. Here’s what others have to say about the care we provided for their family:

I am very appreciative and grateful for all the work you have done with me, and for us as a family. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you.
— Mom of member

During the time our Child and Family Team has been led by a Southwest Network case manager, we have experienced the good fortune of someone who not only understands how to do their job, but actually does it … now we can accomplish what we’ve been asking for: diagnosis and reunification.
— Michael S.

I do believe that without (my Southwest Network case manager’s) involvement, we would have four young children in foster care and not with their mother. (She) plays a key role in the success of this family and without her, I’m not sure of the outcome. I am thankful.
— Supervisor, Child Protective Services

You have been so much help and have really given us the feeling of caring through this whole process. I do believe you have a true understanding of what we have been working with all these years and I want to thank you for that.
— Scott and Teri

I was very thankful that day you were there because I was a mess and could not even get my words out about half of what I needed to. Sometimes I really need people to be there to just help with getting my words … or help with the understanding of what is needed.
— Parent of member

I am so fortunate to have had you come into our lives at a point in time when (my daughter’s) world and my own were turned upside down and we were in the worst place imaginable. You came into our lives when (she) was at her worst and I believe that I could have lost her if it weren’t for your amazing ability to wrap your head around what was going on with our family, and found a way to turn it around to the amazing results that we now have embraced. Even when you didn’t know what to do, or how to help her, you pushed on and never gave up, which was new for us, because so many had before. You never backed down and always found a way to help us through. My hope is that the things you have learned from our family and the experiences you have shared with (my daughter) and I will carry over into the many other families’ lives you are sure to touch.
— Pauline F.

For assistance: If you would like to enroll your child for behavioral health services with us, please call us at 602.304.0014 and we will assist you. If your child is already enrolled with Southwest Network, please contact the location where your child is receiving services.


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